"Medicine Men" are an acoustic duo from Plymouth (UK). Their live performances consist of improvisory adaptations of musical works of which the duo have performed under other guises, such as "Soulbomb" - "Captain Rehab" - "Damien and the Mystery Sysyters" - "Fascinator FM". Their "offbeat caberet" has gained acclaim from music academics from the UK and Macedonia. Collaborative working links have been fruitful with Macedonian composer "Nikola Kodjabashia" appearing upon the critically acclaimed album "The Most Of Now" and performing imrpomptu in the U.K. In November 2009 the Medicine Men are scheduled to be once again collaborating with Nikola Kodjabashia. Oliver Littleton - Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Percussion Gavin Huck - Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Percussion additional percussion - Lewis Murphy