Charlie Hole (born 1993 or 1994?) is an English acoustic singer-songwriter from Christchurch, Dorset. His debut album, "The Joy of a Caged Bird", was released in December 2012 Hole started playing guitar and singing when he was 11 and started writing as a natural progression from that shortly after. A few years down the line he was asked to play in a friends new wine bar on Friday nights and after realising the lucrativeness of this he began to play in bars, restaurants and clubs all over Christchurch – which has its downsides: having to watch everyone else eat; singing your heart out when no one listens; and working in the evening when you want to be with your friends. This will slowly destroy your soul from the inside but it definitely beats working in the chippy for £3.50 an hour! In early 2007 (when he was 14) his Dad asked a family friend, Jim Cregan to listen to some of his songs and he seemed to take a real interest. The list of artists that Cregan has worked with over an illustrious career are endless and mind blowing, including Rod Stewart, Elton John, Cat Stevens etc… if you check out his website ( ), you will see he is a seriously impressive, respected and talented musician and producer. Jim kindly invited charlie up to his home studio in Surrey to record ‘Teenagers in Love’ which was an incredible offer. They have recorded a few songs together and have just finished our first 5 track EP ‘Questions. Answers. Awkward Silences.’,with Jim producing, which has been an amazing experience. Apart from producing my songs, Jim has also agreed to be his manager (or Charlie agreed to let him manage me, whichever way you want to look at it) Either way, he is honoured that he has taken such interest in him and believes in his confidence in his enthusiasm. Charlie says: "I am truly interested to know what you think about my music, so please let me know. I’m always updating my tracks ( so keep coming back if you like what you hear."