As June is just around the corner, that means only one thing (well two things if you count Wimbledon), the British summer festival season is about to begin. There is no better time for lovers of live music. The thought of watching hundreds of bands over the course of a (hopefully) warm weekend, probably as you excited for the festivals you are attending to be here now. There are, though, many things that you are perhaps not looking forward to. Festivals, as you are spending a whole weekend living in a field (if you’re camping at one) is not exactly known as being particularly hygienic.
After all, there’s not great toilet facilities or proper showers. Basically, the perfect conditions for germs and bacteria to grow, breed and spread. Of course, you put up with it, because of the music, but it can put a bit of a dark shadow over an otherwise enjoyable time.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be like that when you are attending one of those awesome music festivals taking place up and down the country. As you will see from our new staying clean guide, there are ways you can beat the dirt and grime.
Prepare by Starting the Weekend Squeaky Clean
As it is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy a nice hot shower during the festival, it’s important that you make sure you get the best out of the last one you have. Give yourself a good and thorough clean and even consider exfoliating to remove dead skin. Invest in a good moisturiser to give your skin a head start.
Invest in Some Wet and Expandable Wipes
One great way to stay on top of your cleanliness over the course of the weekend is by investing in some wet wipes. Another like the Pits & Bits Expandable Wipes from Waterless. These are compact and small flannel-style wipes that are incredibly versatile. Just add water or another liquid (like the Pits & Bobs Body Wash) and the small wipes will start to grow and transform into nice and big cloths that are perfect for cleaning with.
Try Rinse Free Body Washes
Though that might sound a little weird, there are shower gels and body washes that you can get that don’t need to be rinsed off. Like the Pits & Bits Rinse Free Body Wash, also from Waterless. Free from alcohol or parabens, so there is nothing toxic or harsh that is likely to cause your skin problems. Or you could instead opt for the Pits & Bits Rinse Free Antibacterial Body Wash, that does not have any fragrance and is a great tool in your fight against the dirt and germs that come with the average music festival in a muddy field.
As noted above, you can use either of these products in conjunction with the Expandable Wipes.
To use either of the body washes, you just apply them directly to your skin, massage it until the dirt and grime starts to shift and then get rid of it by drying with a towel.
Pack a Towel or Two
As well as helping with the rinse free body washes above, towels are just handy to have to hand when the weather turns on you. The last thing you really want to do at the end of a busy day of partying, dancing and jumping around to your favourite artists and bands, if it’s been raining, is to lie down and snuggle in wet clothes. A towel can help you to dry off and make your weekend even more comfortable.
Get Yourself Rinse Free Dry Shampoo
Similarly to the body washes we suggested, you should also consider getting your hands on some rinse free shampoo like the Pits & Bits Shampoo from Waterless. Again, this does not contain any alcohol, triclosan or parabens, so is perfectly gentle and kind for your skin and particularly your scalp. It has a tasty, but subtle apple fragrance and is easy enough to use.
You simply apply it to your scalp and then massage it to life the dirt. Once you’ve given it a quick and thorough rub through, you can towel dry your hair to remove all the dirt. There are two sizes of bottle available, 200ml and 65ml. So, there are great options for those one off, one night in a tent kind of festivals or the long four-day weekend varieties.
Prepare Yourself for the Portacabins
We must warn you that if this is the first time you are attending a music festival, the portacabins are pretty much as bad as you’ve heard. Although some are worse than others, the very fact that they’re used by a constant stream of hundreds, nay, thousands of people at a time, means that they are never going to look like a 5-star hotel’s en suite. The best thing to do is to prepare for the worst.
Take along your own toilet paper, if possible. You never know what state the paper they have in them is going to be in. It’s always wise as well to use some hand sanitiser or even the body wash mentioned earlier, after you’ve used it. Unwashed hands, as you know, can spread many illness and conditions such as the cold and flu, Hepatitis A and even noroviruses and there is an even strong risk of these at festivals.
Remember Your Toothbrush
If you don’t even just attempt to brush your teeth, all those days of eating and drinking will have their affect on your pearly whites. Just because you’re in the middle of a field in a tent for a few days and nights, doesn’t mean you can’t keep up oral hygiene. You’ll really notice the difference too you 3will feel over those days when you do brush your teeth and the freshness you have in your mouth. Obviously, brushing your teeth is part of the fight against plaque that reduces the chance of you suffering from tooth decay and that leading to gum disease.
Choose Your Camping Spot Carefully
When deciding where to camp, keep in mind how gravity works. If there’s a chance that there will be rain, the last place you want to have your tent pitched up is at the bottom of a hill. No one wants to wake up in the middle of the night in a swamp because rainwater has made its way down the hill and formed a little swamp around your tent. Even if your tent is waterproof, this is not a good situation as it was not designed to handle being submerged. It’s best to pitch your tent on a flatter and level surface away from hills or on the top of the hill.
Keep Your Dirty Clothes Separate
If possible, you should look to change your clothes at the start/end of each day, as you don’t want to keep wearing the same (potentially) beer, sweat and mud-soaked clothing. To save yourself a lot of hassle and to keep your clean clothes clean, pack separate empty plastic bags to throw your dirty clothes in and remember to take some bin bags with you as well to keep your tent and camping area as tidy and hygienic as possible.
It’s unlikely that you are going to be able to escape getting dirty to some extent over the course of a long weekend at a music festival. However, by following the tips above in this staying clean guide, you should be able to at least limit the amount of dirt you have to deal with. As a result, you will not only look better, but you will feel better too and avoid ending up with some illness. This will all help you to get the best out of the experience and atmosphere.
Published on 25 May 2019 by Paul Stewart