In the winter of 2005, Mark Wilson released his debut solo recordings titled The Endless Elevator Tour EP. The album moves through several pieces, each with its distinct arrangement and driven by Wilsons unique vocal style. Themed with easily forgotten societal issues and how they affect us on a personal level; the album received positive praise for Wilsons songwriting abilities. 'He hangs delicate waltzes around lyrics that are both blurry and evocative.' -Chart Attack '...Wilson has put together a handful of songs that reveal originality and great promise.' - The Ottawa Citizen 'The lyrics hold a depth, beauty and wisdom rare for a young man of 21.' - Kingston This Week. After a winter / spring season of performances, Wilson returned to Ottawa to perform a memorable show at the National Art Center in April 2006 where he would be named the recipient of CBCs Galaxie Rising Star Award. As college radio play of the EP begins to catch some wind, Mark Wilson and his recently formed backing band The Last Dinosaur continue to perform and gain attention along the way. Booking Inquires: General Inquiries: