It began a long time ago...a Magic bean was planted amongst the vegetable patch in a magic land called RootTown, The Magic Bean sprouted many strong Magic Roots and out of these Roots came music, sweet reggae music. There was a young girl called Grace who listened to the music, she found happiness in the skanking rhythms and melodies. She taught herself to play guitar and she played along with the sweet music. She began writing songs and singing lullabies, and she nurtured the Magic Bean until it grew into a beautiful Bean Tree. The Roots on the Bean Tree were spreading throughout the land, Grace noticed that as they grew the music changed, the first Roots that grew sounded like reggae, acoustic dub, they were joyful and positive. But as the Roots grew down, they went somewhere darker, somewhere more mystical. Grace stumbled upon a young man named Wendell. Wendell was a fine chap who played moving bass lines which made the Roots twist and turn.The Roots began telling their own stories, they told us their history and spoke of faeries and folklore, witches and devils, black dogs and banshees. Grace and Wendell wrote songs about these stories, and they lived in the branches of the Bean Tree where they would play to all the creatures who dwelled there. Now and again they venture down to the Roots, sometimes near the top where the Magic of the Roots is kind and happy, and sometimes further down where the Magic turned from sweet to sour, where the darkness kicks in. Read more: